Upcoming performances
September 2015
Saturday 12 - 20u30
Jazzathome Avondconcert
Duke Ellington’s Sacred Concert + Brussels Vocal Project
Stadsschouwburg, Mechelen
Sunday 13 - 14u15, 15u45, 17u15
Kristen Cornwell Trio
Sint-Jozef, de Duivels en het Paradijs, Haverwerf 20-22, Mechelen
Monday 28 & Tuesday 29 - 14u15
Recording Let the Music Speak
Motor Music Studio’s
November 2015
Tuesday 10 - 20u
Guest with Tuesday Night Orchestra
Details TBC.
Friday 20 - 20u30
Kristen Cornwell Trio
GC De Oude Pastorie
March 2013
Saturday 2 - 21u
Jazz Tour Wallonia
Jazz á L’F, Dinant
Michel Bisceglia - piano
Werner Lauscher - bass
Carlo Nardozza - trumpet
Mimi Verderame - drums
Thursday 7 - 20u30
Jazz Tour Wallonia
Ferme du Biéreau, Louvain-la-Neuve
The line up is the same as 2/3.
Saturday 9 - 21u
Jazz Tour Wallonia
Kulturzentrum Jünglingshaus, Eupen
The line up is the same as 2/3.
Wednesday 13 - 20u
Jazz Tour Wallonia
Jazz Station, Brussels
The line up is the same as 2/3.
Thursday 14 - 20u
Jazz Tour Wallonia
Auditorium Jean Rosoux, Hannut
The line up is the same as 2/3.
Saturday 16 - 20u
Jazz Tour Wallonia
N’8‘Jazz, Zy’coop, Mazy
The line up is the same as 2/3.
April 2013
Saturday 27 - 20u
Guest with The Duke Ellington Orchestra
led by Paul Mercer Ellington
Stadsschouwburg Antwerp
Tickets: www.stadsschouwburgantwerpen.be
Sunday 28 - 15u
Guest with The Duke Ellington Orchestra
led by Paul Mercer Ellington
Stadsschouwburg Brugge
Tickets: www.ccbrugge.be
July 2013
Sunday 28 - 17u
Kristen Cornwell Quartet
House Concert - Canberra, Australia
Christophe Devisscher - bass
Mark Sutton - drums
Wayne Kelly - piano
August 2013
Thursday 1 - 20u
Kristen Cornwell Quartet
Dome Bar - Sydney, Australia
Christophe Devisscher - bass
Andrew Dickeson - drums
Kevin Hunt - piano
special guest TBC
Saterday 31 - time TBC
Kristen Cornwell Quintet
Vrijbroek Park, Mechelen, Belgium
Michel Bisceglia - piano
Werner Lauscher - bass
Carlo Nardozza - trumpet
Mimi Verderame - drums
September 2013
Saturday 28 - 20u
Jazzlabs 20th Anniversary Concert
CC Strombeek, Belgium
Michel Bisceglia - piano
Christophe Devisscher - bass
Carlo Nardozza - trumpet
Mimi Verderame - drums
October 2013
Friday 11 - time TBC
Muzique å la Source, Chaudfontaine, Belgium
Pierre Anckaert - piano
Christophe Devisscher - bass
Carlo Nardozza - trumpet
Mimi Verderame - drums
Thursday 31 - 19u
Intimate Ellington
Mercedes House, Brussels, Belgium
piano TBC
November 2013
Saturday 9 - 20u
Jazzclass Series Concert. Knokke, Belgium
Pierre Anckaert - piano
Christophe Devisscher - bass
Carlo Nardozza - trumpet
Mimi Verderame - drums
December 2013
Friday 6 - time TBC
Verviers, Belgium
Michel Bisceglia - piano
Werner Lauscher - bass
Carlo Nardozza - trumpet
Mimi Verderame - drums
Friday 13 - 20u
Jazzclass Series Concert. Aalst, Belgium
Michel Bisceglia - piano
Werner Lauscher - bass
Carlo Nardozza - trumpet
Mimi Verderame - drums